Invei Hagefen

A zechus for finding your zivug 

That’s personalized and potent.

A unique opportunity to harness its koach!

Invei Hagefen invites you to join an extraordinary opportunity.

You are about to receive access to a powerful hishtadlus ruchanis to help alleviate the pain of the many girls awaiting their shidduch.

This is not “another” segula. It’s an opportunity to tap into a well-documented but inaccessible koach hatefilla, built upon several esoteric, kabbalistic segulas which, when combined, become a powerful advocate in Shamayim. 

This koach has previously been unavailable to the general public.   

However, when so many are having difficulty marrying and starting their families, your personal tza’ar combines with the tza’ar of Klal Yisrael and th tza’ar haShechinah.  Feeling this combined tza’ar, a group of talmidei chachamim versed in Toras HaNistar have undertaken to make this ancient power available to the members of Invei Hagefen.

אין הברכה שרויה אלא בדבר הסמוי מן העין

Bracha is found in the things we don’t see, in the imperceptible parts of this world.

There’s no one more uniquely able to appreciate this than a Jewish woman.

May we be zocheh together to arouse the Rachamei Shamayim and help every member of Invei Hagefen build her bayis ne’eman b’karov.

The Kevarim

We have a strong and ancient tradition of davening for yeshuos at Kivrei Tzaddikim.  The Arizal revealed that there is particular power in tefillos at the graves of tzaddikim – especially those graves not known to the general public.

The Tefillah

Those versed in the wisdom of Nistar know how to daven at a kever , which is an entirely different kind of prayer than the regular davening or Tehillim that most people say.

The Shlichim

Achieving a yeshua requires great energy and dedication as well as the esoteric knowledge to know the specific way to daven so that the tefillos will be answered.

Backed by Prominent Gedolei Yisrael

The Invei Hagefen project has the full backing and encouragement of three leading Geonim and Mekubalim of our generation,
each of whom has studied Toras HaNistar for many years, primarily at Yeshivas Sha’ar HaShamayim under HaGaon Rav Gamliel HaCohen Rabinovich, shlit”a.

HaMekubal HaRav Ami Goren shlit"a

head of the Ohr Shmuel community in Tzefat, has spent many years delving into Kabbalah, learning from the teachings of both past and present Gedolei HaMekubalim. He authored V’Daas Lamdeni and other works on Kabbalah.

HaMekubal HaRav Shlomo Nadler shlit"a

is the Rosh Kollel of the Shai Olamos network of kollelim, where many great talmidei chachamim focus on learning Kabalas HaArizal and the deeper dimensions of Torah. He has also written the sifrei Kabbalah Shai Olamos.

HaMekubal HaRav Pesach Nosson Manas shlit"a

is a talmid muvhak of the Gedolei HaMekubalim of our generation and one of the most senior talmidim at the yeshiva for mekubalim, Sha'ar HaShamayim.

Step 1

Submit your Hebrew name and your parents’ Hebrew names

(To protect your privacy, no family names or identifying details are required.)

Step 2

A particular tzaddik’s kever will be chosen for your tefillah, as dictated by the teachings of the Arizal.

Step 3

Make your tzedakah donation l’iluy nishmas this tzaddik, creating a spiritual connection between you and the tzaddik.

Step 4

Your special shaliach will go to the tzaddik’s kever to daven for you.

Step 5

In addition, tefillos for the whole group will be held at the kevarim of three Gedolei Olam: the Maharal, the Chasam Sofer and the Baal Shem of Michelstadt.

Tefillah Options

Personalized Tefillah
at the Tzaddik’s Kever

Your name davened for with intense kavanah by a talmid chacham and mekubal
You will also be included as part of a special tefillah for the whole group at the kevarim of the Maharal, the Chasam Sofer and the Baal Shem of Michelstadt.

Donation $500


Personalized Tefillah at the Kevarim of the Three Gedolei HaDoros

For an extra donation of $500, your name will be davened for individually at the kevarim of the three Gedolei Olam

Total donation: $1000


For an additional donation of $500
you can choose to send your personal kvittel to be read and left at one of the kevarim.

Total donation: $1000

Upcoming Programs

Meayin-Yovo Ezri

Invei Hagefen plans another program specially designed for those age 26 and older and for those in special circumstances. This unique and powerful opportunity will require more involvement by the participants.


2024-11-25 |
22–29 Cheshvan

Future Program

The shaliach or shlichim who daven at the kevarim in chutz la’aretz are scheduled to be there for a full week (to accommodate the large distances between the mekomos hatefillos). During that same week, our shlichim in Eretz Yisrael will daven for you at hand-picked kevarim that meet the Arizal’s definition of being unknown.


2024-11-10 |
9-14 Cheshvan

Rare Track Record of Yeshuos!

There is no such thing as a “guaranteed” segula.  However,
this unique system has demonstrated an exceptionally high track record of success. 

Ensuring Your Privacy

Invei Hagefen is very careful to preserve your privacy and dignity. To that end, we only require that you share your Hebrew name and parents’ Hebrew names for davening.  In addition, we take every precaution to avoid publicity. We do not advertise, post photos, or otherwise publicize our offer, which is accessed by invitation only.

In order to protect your privacy, your personal access code should not be shared with anyone else.

The Kevarim

We have a strong and ancient tradition of davening for yeshuos at Kivrei Tzaddikim.  The Arizal revealed that there is particular power in tefillos at the graves of tzaddikim – especially those graves not known to the general public.  

The talmidei chachamim and mekubalim who founded this initiative have succeeded in locating several kevarim of tzaddikim, in Eretz Yisrael and Europe, who were known to be great tzaddikim and ba’alei ruach hakodesh, but whose kevarim have remained largely unknown, making it ideal for this special tefillah, according to the Arizal’s guidelines.   

In addition to this personalized tefillah, a tefillah will be held for all the participants together at the kevarim of three major gedolimthe Maharal, the Chasam Sofer and the Baal Shem of Michelstadt.  These gedolei hadoros were specifically chosen by the mekubalim for this purpose.

The Tefillah

Those versed in the wisdom of Nistar know how to daven at a kever , which is an entirely different kind of prayer than the regular davening or Tehillim that most people say.  When performed correctly, it has a unique power to effect yeshuos. The Seforim explain that davening at Kivrei Tzaddikim can arouse their neshamos to advocate on the petitioner’s behalf, so that Hashem should answer his request.  The Zohar expounds on this concept, which is brought down halacha l’maaseh in the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berura. 

We see numerous examples of the koach of davening at kevarim. Rachel Imeinu was buried in Beis Lechem to enable her children to daven at her kever for the Geula.  Kalev went to Chevron to daven at the kivrei Avos for the strength to be saved from the eitzah of the Meraglim.   

Yet accessing this power is not simple and very few know how to do it. It’s not just a matter of reciting a list of names.  The davening that our Shlichim will do for the participants of Invei Hagefen, will involve a serious avodah. They will concentrate intently on each girl’s name and neshama.  A long list of names can often take more than a full day of intense davening.

טוב ללכת על קברי הצדיקים ולהתפלל עליהם, ואמנם הצדיקים אשר קברותיהם נעלמים מבני אדם, ואינם ידועות להם, אלא לפרטים, כמו אלו שנכתוב בעהי”ת בשער הגלגולים, הנה התפילות שהאדם מתפלל עליהם, הם יותר מתקבלות לפני הקב”ה, ויותר נשמעות

רבינו האריז”ל בשער רוח הקודש [כ”ד ב’]

“It is good to daven at the graves of the tzaddikim, especially those graves that are unknown to most people, only to individuals… Tefillos at such places are more easily heard and accepted by Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

[The Arizal, Shaar Ruach Hakodesh 24:2]

The Shlichim

Achieving a yeshua requires great energy and dedication as well as the esoteric knowledge to know the specific way to daven so that the tefillos will be answered. Very few talmidei chachamim are capable of this.  Our shlichim – the emissaries sent to daven at the kevarim on your behalf – are a handpicked group of serious talmidei chachamim and mekubalim who have learned with many of the greatest mekubalim such as HaGeonim Rav Yisrael Eliyahu Weintraub zt”l, Rav Moshe Shapiro zt”l, Rav Gamliel Rabinovich shlit”a or Rav Yaakov Hillel shlit”a, and who have years of experience davening at unknown graves of tzaddikim, both in Eretz Yisrael and Europe, under the guidance of the great mekubalim of the previous generation.   The task they will be undertaking will involve a serious avodah, and, as such, your tzedakah will go to the mosdos in which they learn.