The Invei Hagefen project was founded by a group of prominent and distinguished talmidei chachamim and mekubalim who are donating their time in order to alleviate the suffering of Bnos Yisrael and the Tzaar HaShechinah.

The Arizal teaches that our tefillos are more easily accepted at the gravesites of tzaddikim not known to the general public.  Obviously, this poses a challenge, since success brings publicity and publicity prevents further success. Thus, the names and locations of the tzaddikim and the identity of the shlichim will remain confidential, in order to protect the effectiveness of the segulah.

Giving tzedakah is an integral component of this hishtadlus ruchani.  In order to justify “troubling” these great tzadikim with our problems and requesting they advocate on our behalf, we need to create some degree of affiliation to the tazddik. This is accomplished either by being a direct descendent, by being a talmid who learns his sefarim, or by donating a very significant amount of tzedakah l’iluy nishmaso.  

Your tzedakah contribution creates a personal connection between you and the tzaddik. By donating as part of a group, we are able to present the tzaddik with the zechus of a cumulatively larger tzedakah sum, and thereby magnify the impact of your contribution. It can be compared to the difference between giving a presentation of your own individual diamond or joining a group to present a sparkling, bejeweled crown composed of numerous diamonds.

Please note: All of Invei Hagefen’s overhead costs are covered by sponsors; 100% of your donation goes to tzedakah. 

The primary beneficiaries of the tzedakah donations will be the mosdos where our shlichim, all high-level talmidei chachamaim and mekubalim, learn.

Yes.  The consensus of the poskim is that your donation on behalf of the tzaddik can be used from your maaser funds, because the Torah allows using maser money in order to receive a yeshua, provided that we are not giving the money on condition of seeing a result.